What is Neural Therapy?
Treating pain through the central nervous system
Neural Therapy
Neural therapy is a specialized injection technique, which utilizes a nutritive local anesthetic (Procaine) to treat acute and chronic pain, chronic illness, as well as scars. It focuses on the health of the autonomic nervous system that controls and regulates most metabolic, immunological, healing, digestive, hormonal and other body functions.
These specific injections using a simple anesthetic have been shown to be clinically beneficial to the conditions of headaches, sinus conditions, lymphatic congestion, whiplash conditions, respiratory conditions, digestive problems, damaged intervertebral disks, chronic painful conditions, painful scars, sciatica, and even emotional disturbances.
It was initially developed in Germany and is used by approximately 40% of German doctors currently. It is not as well known in the United States. Only a handful of physicians, including Dr. Jarosz in US, are trained and experienced in neural therapy injection techniques.
How does Neural Therapy work?
The focus of neural therapy is to normalize the function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
The ANS controls or regulates all responses by the body to outside stressors. If the ANS is functioning (regulating) as it should, we are less prone to pain and illness. If the ANS is poorly operating (dysregulation) our bodies become very susceptible to illness since our compensatory mechanisms, which are controlled by the ANS, will subsequently not function well in response to physical, emotional, environmental, chemical and microbial stress.
All living organisms and cells have electrical energy associated with them. In healthy situations, this energy has a particular frequency and wavelength. If this energy does not flow correctly, disease or pain in the area of energy disruption follows.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a very low voltage electrical system operating at somewhere between 40 and 80 nanovolts of electricity. Any type of increased electrical activity over and above that baseline can be a disturbing influence on the autonomic nervous system and create a blockage or interfere with the regulation of the autonomic nervous system. This can lead to various disease states or pain states in the body.
Acute trauma acts as an interference field. An acute injury to an area creates a shock-like state which shuts down circulation because of increased ANS. Other examples of interference areas involve scars anywhere on the body, dental infections, toxic autonomic ganglia from various environmental poisons, emotional disturbances, electromagnetic field influence, and things such as multiple chemical sensitivities. In many cases, these create serious difficult patient problems for relieving the patient’s discomfort. A scar can generate 1.5 V of electricity and in the presence of a scar, the autonomic nervous system is overwhelmed by the electrical output of the scar creating a major interference field. This distorts blood flow to organs and other tissues and decreases the body’s ability to regulate itself. Identification of interference fields is one of the goals of proper neural therapy and then the appropriate discharge or release of the interference field will influence normalization of function in the area.
Dosch, Mathias P, M.D., Atlas of Neural Therapy, Thieme, New York, N.Y.. 2003
Dosch, Peter MD, Manual of Neural Therapy, According to Huneke, Haug Publishers, 1984