What are Trigger Point Injections?

It has been shown to be one of the most effective treatment modalities to inactivate trigger points and provide prompt relief of symptoms.

What are Trigger Point Injections?

Local anesthetics act to increase blood flow by dilating blood vessels in the muscle. This helps to rid the muscle of inflammatory substances that accumulate when muscles go into spasm. The anesthetic has a second benefit, it is able to interrupt the constant firing leading to relaxation of the muscle and repositioning of proper alignment. In addition, we add vitamin B12 for the nourishment of the nerves and surrounding tissue and homeopathic preparations for proper tissue response and increased healing.

The result is a break in this nonstop circle, essentially a break in the pain pattern that will enable the body’s healing process to be effective.

What are Trigger Points?

Trigger points are described as discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. These hypersensitive areas in muscle suffer from decreased circulation, increased contraction and spasm. Lack of circulation creates a high concentration of toxins and increased nerve sensitivity that can range from a low ache to sharp pain. The continual firing of impulses from the brain to the nerves and muscle fibers further increases the constant contraction of the muscle. Palpation of a trigger point will elicit pain directly over the affected area and/or cause radiation of pain toward a zone of reference and may elicit a local twitch response.

What are the causes of Trigger Points?

Trigger points are caused by acute trauma or chronic problems that have not been addressed appropriately. Trigger points can occur as a result of muscle trauma (from car accidents, falls, sports- and work-related injuries, etc.), muscle strain from repetitive movements at work or play, postural strain from standing or sitting improperly for long periods at the computer, emotional stress, anxiety, allergies, nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and toxins in the environment. A single event can initiate a trigger point, and you can suffer the effects for the rest of your life if that trigger point is not addressed properly.

Why are Trigger Points Problematic?

Trigger points are a common cause of joint pain. Patients may have regional, persistent pain resulting in a decreased range of motion in the affected muscles. These include muscles used to maintain body posture, such as those in the neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle. Trigger points may also manifest as tension headache, tinnitus, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, upper shoulder pain, neck pain, and low back pain.